New way to get crystal keys.

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You all should make crystal keys buyable with tokens. Like instead of making the only way you can get crystal keys is buy opening prestige or vote keys you should make it where we can buy it with tokens.


Staff member
That would make crystal keys way less rare and make it possible for people to get more Legendary crystals making those less rare. And you can only get crystal keys from voting and the Vexed kit not the vote or prestige crates. Also considering some people make a lot of tokens, it wouldn't be wise to make them buyable with tokens in my opinion.


That would make crystal keys way less rare and make it possible for people to get more Legendary crystals making those less rare. And you can only get crystal keys from voting and the Vexed kit not the vote or prestige crates. Also considering some people make a lot of tokens, it wouldn't be wise to make them buyable with tokens in my opinion.
Make it cost a lot of tokens, like somewhere around 20-40m tokens per key


Staff member
I get around 100mil tokens per night, just afk mining xD and if it were to cost tokens that would also put a price on it and no one would buy for more


Well-Known Member
As Crazy Stated above :
That would make crystal keys way less rare and make it possible for people to get more Legendary crystals making those less rare.
People could use their 'token pickaxes' to get many Crystal crates ; gets them either alot of crystals they could sell, or Legendary crystals that they could use to make more tokens, which in return get them more keys

I'm sorry, but its a -1 from me.


New Member
Currently Crystal Crates sell for about 250m tokens or 150b cash. I would say this idea could work, if there was a limit of 1 per day and they cost 500m tokens. If and only if you make these edits I will give it a +1.


Staff member
1 per day would still be too op considering from the kit you can only get it once every 3 days. And as I said before that would set a price for the crystal keys


Respected Member
Only way to buy them is from the /voteshop & /vexedshop. I don't see why there should be more ways.

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